Actualité 11.10.2013

CALL FOR ENTRIES – Royal Architecture Institute of Canada (RAIC) – "In-Context Video Series: contemporary Canadian architecture"


Royal Architectural Institute of Canada welcomes project submissions for In-Context Video Series

Think your project tells a compelling story about contemporary Canadian architecture? Share it with the RAIC and it might get profiled on In-Context, a web-based video documentary series presented by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC). This video series will profile 10 contemporary architecture projects in cities across Canada that have had a profound impact on the social, environmental and cultural well-being of their immediate contexts, and have in a significant way contributed to improving the quality of our shared environment. Over the next 10 months, new videos will be released on the In-Context website at

These videos will be presented at the RAIC Festival which runs from May 28-31, 2014 in Winnipeg. If you have designed and built a public architecture project that has successfully improved the urban environment, In-Context wants to hear from you.

How has your project affected the lives of its users? What does your project say about contemporary Canadian architecture? What is the physical and cultural context in which your project is built? How has your project made a positive impact on its surrounding neighbourhood and city?

Submission requirements include: a 250-word firm profile; 3-page (maximum) narrative documenting the unique story of your built project and that addresses the questions listed above (feel free to be creative with your presentation); 10 project visuals, including high-quality images, videos, drawings, sketches and other multimedia; up to 3 testimonials from building users, clients, and others outside of your office who can attest to its success.

The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2013. Please e-mail submissions to and ensure the files total no more than 5MB. Dropbox links or links to FTP servers are also welcome.

To consult the original article…

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To visit the RAIC website…

(Source: Canadian Architect magazine via the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada (RAIC))

RAIC Presents | IRAC Présente | CCA | In-Context from IN-CONTEXT VIDEOS on Vimeo.

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