« What Design Can Do » Refugee Challenge

1 févr. 2016 - 20 mai 2016

Excerpt of article: 

“If you want to talk about those ‘wicked’ problems designers are so fond of, you need look no further than the plight of the world’s refugees. According to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), nearly 60 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide. A third of these are refugees leaving their homes to find a better life in a foreign country. The obstacles they face, at every step, could fuel design challenges for decades.

We spoke to Dagan Cohen, leader of the Refugee Challenge, about What Design Can Do’s (WDCD) new initiative and how they hope to have a real impact.

Initially the team at WDCD looked at a few compelling issues. Climate change and renewable energy, childhood obesity, the negative effects of information overload… They presented multiple options at the conference in Amsterdam in May 2015, and with much subsequent research and analysis, they chose the topic of refugees.



When asked what the submissions have been like so far, there is clearly enthusiasm in Cohen’s voice. There are entries dealing with digital services, events, programmes that aim to bring people together. But there are also “architectural entries”—shelters, modular homes, etc.

Further partnering with SingularityU, the University of Delft Industrial Design Department, and with Advertising Design Creativity the Netherlands (ADCN) has already helped bring in many interesting entries.

ADCN is the association for creativity in advertising and design in the Netherlands, and this year in order to win the prestigious young talent award, hopefuls had to submit an entry to the Refugee Challenge. Two projects have already been selected as ADCN winners and will be included in the pool of entries for the Challenge.”

Deadline: May 20 2016.

To read the original article…

To view the design brief…

To visit the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design website…


Source : International Council of Societies of Industrial Design

Publié le 14 mai 2016