“As part of the launch of the 2008 Doors Open Toronto weekend, Pecha Kucha Toronto Vol.2 will be held the evening of Friday May 23, 2008 beginning at 7:30pm at the Royal Ontario Museum. Building on the Doors Open Toronto theme of Sacred Spaces, Sacred Circles, this will be a unique opportunity to celebrate Toronto’s creative talent with design peers and the general public alike.
Together with our presentation partners Doors Open Toronto, a signature event of Toronto Culture, and the City of Toronto Festival of Architecture and Design (fAd), over 300 people are expected to attend. Pecha Kucha Toronto Vol.2 builds on the overwhelming success of Pecha Kucha Toronto Vol.1 which attracted a standing-room only of over 550 people in May 2007.”
For more information on the next Pecha-Kucha Montréal…
(Source: Canadian Architect website)