Excerpt from announcement:
“Our illustrious jury has selected the 66 finalists of the fifth annual AZ Awards, chosen from among the 720 entries that poured in from 43 countries.
The AZ Awards’ five jurors – architect Winka Dubbeldam of Archi-Tectonics, architect Brendan MacFarlane of Jakob + MacFarlane, designer Anwar Mekhayech of the Design Agency, landscape architect Janet Rosenberg of Janet Rosenberg & Studio and designer Philippe Malouin – handled the daunting task of weighing the entries with aplomb. We are elated to present the 66 finalists (with a few projects nominated in two categories) that won over this discerning international jury.
From among these finalists, the winners will be announced at a gala event to be held at the Evergreen Brick Works on June 19th. The winners and finalists will be featured in our July/August issue, which hits newsstands late June. And, on April 9th, we will make all the finalists available for a public vote in the popular online People’s Choice.”