Actualité 06.08.2010

Concours – "XVIIe Biennale Pan Américaine d'Architecture de Quito (BAQ)"

Si vous avez besoin d’information supplémentaire, SVP contacter Monsieur Juan Xavier Malo qui est le représentant à Montréal de la Biennale d’Architecture de Quito (

The Quito Pan-American Biennial of Architecture (BAQ) is part of the Colegio de Arquitectos del Ecuador (Association of Architects of Ecuador) Pichincha Province, and is a space to reflect on the state of architecture across the continent; this event has been taking place since 1978.

The BAQ revolves around 3 areas: the Academic Event, the Pan-American competition for built work and publications, and a series of cultural activities developed parallel to the event, located in different locations throughout Quito.

The 2010 Academic Event presents an alternative to the way we look at architecture: THE OPEN BIENNIAL, ARCHITECTURE BREAKS ITS BOUNDARIES. Society is at the moment redefining the roles of different cultural manifestations in the search of a new balance between mankind and the environment. The limits of knowledge and practice give ground to encounters and ruptures. Architectural work breaks the barriers of an autonomous and closed discipline, so the architect can no longer be just an academic with ideological and formal postures, but rather a cultural interpreter in front of the commission, putting aside geographic, aesthetic, and cultural prejudices.

The 2010 Biennial will make an effort to start a discussion in the field of architecture, since it is necessary to open the debate to different cultural expressions. The intention is to confront architecture with five approximations to reality: NATURE, SOCIETY, ECONOMY, CULTURE and SCIENCE.



Date: Friday, October 29th 2010 at the address above or with the accredited coordinator of each country.
Time: 18.00 h (Ecuador)
Note: BAQ 2010 recommends that shipment times be taken into account. Entries arriving later than October 29th will not be considered.


This event is endorsed by:

  • International Union of Architects UIA
  • Regional de Arquitectos del Grupo Andino RAGA
  • Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Arquitectos FPAA”

To continue reading the press release…

To visit the Biennial website…

(Source: Juan Xavier Malo)

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