Webinaire « Christchurch, ten years after: Thoughts on earthquake recovery, reconstruction, and improving a city »

21 avril 2021

Ingénieurs en structure de Montréal

Crédit photo : John Kirk-Anderson, Fairfax Media New Zealand

Annonce :

18h / mercredi 21 avril 2021

This presentation will be held in English
Cette présentation aura lieu en anglais

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The 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquakes caused significant damage, especially in the city of Christchurch. As a result, much of the infrastructure, vertical and horizontal, has been, and is being, replaced. This presentation provides a discussion of the following topics: systems, arrangements, and culture of Christchurch prior to the earthquakes; damage from the earthquakes; immediate response decisions; long term decisions; the face of the final rebuild, and lessons that can be learnt. Furthermore, the roles of different organisations in the recovery are discussed. Finally, some thoughts for improving a city are presented.


Ph.D., Professor
University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Gregory MacRae obtained his PhD from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand in 1990. He then worked at the Public Works Research Institute Tsukuba Japan, at the University of California San Diego USA, and at the University of Washington, Seattle USA before returning to Canterbury in 2005. He has also spent time at Stanford University, National Taiwan University, IIT Gandhinagar, and Tongji University. His current research focuses on resilient structures, structural steel, non-linear structural dynamics, and decision-support tools. MacRae has taught courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on structural materials, design, dynamics, earthquake engineering, probability, and loss. MacRae has chaired the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Seismic Effects Committee has been an associate editor for the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. He established the Earthquake Clearinghouse after the Canterbury Earthquakes and led a task group focussing on performance of non-structural elements. He has been senior advisor to the World Seismic Safety Initiative (WSSI) board, member of the management committee of the Structural Engineering Society, board member of the University of Canterbury Quake Centre, NZ representative to the International Association of Earthquake Engineering, and chair of the University of Canterbury structural engineering cluster. He was the local co-chair of the 2018 STESSA conference in Christchurch. He is active on NZ seismic design and steel structures standard committees and is an associate editor for the Bulletin of the NZ Society for Earthquake Engineering and the Journal of Earthquake Engineering. He is currently Principal Investigator for the collaborative China-NZ ROBUST Project.

Pour s’inscrire…


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Source : Ingénieurs en structure de Montréal

Publié le 2 avril 2021