Invitation à participer à un débat en ligne | « Should Governments Devise and Enforce Standards for Low-Cost Housing in Developing Countries? »

30 mars 2016 - 26 avr. 2016

Annonce :

“Ce débat est organisé par l’Observatoire universitaire de la vulnérabilité, la résilience, et la reconstruction durable (Œuvre Durable) et i-Rec (Information and Research for Reconstruction).

Should Governments Devise and Enforce Standards for Low-Cost Housing in Developing Countries?

The debate revolves around an assertion that is defended on one side (by the “proposer”) and rebutted on the other (by the “opposition”) in a debate hosted and overseen by a moderator. The proposer is Dr. Edmundo Werna, a senior consultant and officer at the ILO (United Nations’ International Labour Office). The “opposition” will be assumed by Dr. Brian Aldrich, an emeritus professor at Winona State University. Each side has three chances to persuade the audience with convincing arguments: opening, rebuttal and closing.

This debate will take place from April 11th to April 18th, 2016. We invite students and professors to participate by:

  1. Voting before, during and after the presentation of arguments by the moderator, the “proposer” and the “opposition”.
  2. Submitting comments based on your knowledge, expertise and/or experience in the housing, reconstruction, vulnerability, planning, and/or resilience fields.

Students, professors, decision-makers and practitioners are invited to participate. These contributions can take the form of short texts that support one side or the other of the debate, provide examples, or challenge concepts at any one of the three steps of the debate (opening, rebuttal, and closing). After the debate, a jury of experts will award three student awards (1000 CAD$, 500 CAD$, and 300 CAD$) to the three best contributions written by students on the blog.

The debate Schedule is:

  • March 30 to April 10 Pre-Debate (voting to establish participants’ positions before the debate)
  • April. 11 to 13 Opening
  • April. 14 to 17 Rebuttal
  • April. 18 to 21 Closing and final votes to reflect participants’ positions after the debate
  • April. 26th Announcement of the winners

We hope that you will participate in this exciting event.

For further questions or additional information about the debate, please contact Mahmood Fayazi at”

Pour participer au débat…

Pour visiter le site internet d’Œuvre durable…

Pour visiter le site internet d’i-Rec de l’Université de Montréal…

Source : Gonzalo Lizarralde, PhD, Professeur | École d'architecture, Université de Montréal | Directeur du Groupe de recherche if – grif.

Publié le 8 avril 2016