Conférences « Built Heritage and Materiality » et « The Role of Details in Urban Conservation »

20 mars 2023 - 22 mars 2023

École d'architecture | Université de Montréal

Extrait des deux affiches de conférence

De la part de l’ÉAUM :

“L’École d’architecture de l’UdeM a le plaisir de vous inviter aux deux dernières conférences publiques d’une série de 5 conférences offertes via ZOOM dans le cadre du processus de sélection du poste de professeur.e adjoint.e en architecture avec une expertise en intervention sur le patrimoine bâti.

Lundi 20 mars 2023 de 12h à 13h

Chang-Xue Shu, Ph.D., chercheuse postdoctorale (KU Leuven)

Built Heritage and Materiality: Documentary Value Revisited

Are the material-based approaches and value system of built heritage outdated? Recent literature of built heritage has seen an ever-growing tendency toward social and environmental perspectives. This is driven by both longstanding problems in conservation practice and the new agenda of Sustainable Development Goals. In such a context, some scientists and practitioners have ascribed the problems and challenges to the conventional methodologies based on material evidence and value interpretation. This lecture firstly offers a brief overview of the current discussions and debates. It then showcases an unconventional methodology of studying the built heritage across Chinese and European cultures, thereby questioning the physical and conceptual boundaries of “built heritage”. Essential problems and true challenges in the scientific domain of built heritage will be summarized from a history-of-knowledge perspective.

Dr. Chang-Xue Shu works on production and circulation of engineering knowledge in the 19th and 20th centuries across China, Europe and North America. She focuses on rediscovering historical legacy at the intersection of intellectual sphere and physical environment. Since 2017, she has joined KU Leuven Belgium for undertaking the Marie-Curie postdoctoral project “Fired Clay in the Built Environment” (EU 2020), and taught in the Leuven program of conservation of monuments and sites. Earlier on, she held research fellowships at the Needham Research Institute Cambridge UK (2015-16) and the Polytechnical University of Milan (2010-13). Her research has also gained support from the Research Foundation Flanders, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Germany, and the CNR Institute for Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage Italy. She has practiced with World Heritage, national and local monuments but also uncharted historical sites, firstly as an architect, planner and surveyor, and later as a conservator, conservation scientist, historian and educator.

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Mercredi 22 mars 2023 de 12h à 13h

Miquel Reina Ortiz, candidat au Ph.D., professeur invité (UdeM)

The Role of Details in Urban Conservation
Research | Documentation | Practice
Une proposition pour Montréal

Urban theory has traditionally characterized the city as a whole composed of parts, studying its morphology from the relationship between the building and the site. This lecture expands this understanding by incorporating the scale of the construction detail in the context of the Historic City. To that end, three projects related to the fields of academic research, heritage documentation, and professional practice are discussed to illustrate this multiscalar urban conservation approach. The first presents the urban conservation of Barcelona—the first-ever named Historic City—considering the traditional construction technique of the tile vault. The second highlights the relevance of heritage documentation during the rehabilitation process of the Kuñotambo Church in Peru. The third introduces the adaptive reuse project of the Sant Antoni Market in Barcelona and its impact on the neighbourhood. These projects demonstrate the importance of these three fields in urban conservation and underline the role of details and craftsmanship on a larger scale. Finally, this lecture presents how this understanding can be a fertile source for architectural education and academic research concerning the urban conservation of Montréal.  

Miquel Reina Ortiz is a professor at the Master of Monuments Restoration at the Polytechnic University of Catalunya in Barcelona. Currently, he is a guest professor at the Université de Montréal. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in the ASAU at Carleton University. His research concerns the relationship between different scales of intervention within the context of the Historic City. He has taught courses as an assistant professor in heritage conservation, site and building documentation, technology, urbanism, and design studio at the ASAU. Since 2015, he collaborates with CIMS to develop new digital heritage documentation and conservation workflows. Additionally, he has participated in international fieldwork and co-authored articles on topics specialized in digital heritage documentation. In 2022 he became an associate member of IPTI to develop heritage documentation projects for the Catalan Heritage Agency. Internationally, he has been part of ICOMOS since 2020, first as the Canadian Representative of the EPWG and currently as an associate member of the IsC on Historic Cities, Towns and Villages. He studied architecture at ETSAB, graduating with honours in 2011, and holds an MsC in Restoration and Rehabilitation. His professional experience in the architecture studio Ravetllat-Ribas in Barcelona (2008–2015) focused on adaptive reuse projects, and as a licensed architect, he has designed urban projects, housing, interiors, and competitions.

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Source : Agnès Anger | Agente de communication | École d’architecture de l'Université de Montréal

Publié le 17 mars 2023