Call for Applications: SAH Annual Conference Student Diversity Fellowship
17 nov. 2021 - 15 déc. 2021
“Nov 02, 2021
The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), alongside its Minority Scholars, Asian American & Diasporic Architectural History, and Race & Architectural History Affiliate Groups, invite applications for a 2022 SAH annual conference undergraduate and graduate student fellowship as a step toward increasing the racial diversity of SAH and the field of architectural history.
Established in 2021, the goal of the fellowship is to introduce students from underrepresented groups to architectural history as an independent area of expertise, a desirable and viable career option, and to mentor them as they explore their interest. The fellowship also aims to engage students in the work of SAH, a nonprofit membership organization that serves a network of local, national, and international institutions and individuals who, by profession or interest, focus on the history of the built environment and its role in shaping contemporary life.
We particularly welcome applications from BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) students and those who study at designated minority-serving institutions (including Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Asian American and Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions). Applicants from outside North America are also encouraged to apply.
The fellowship will provide funding for attendance at the SAH annual conference, a one-year digital membership, and mentorship during the conference. Undergraduate students may come from any course of study, so long as they have participated in at least one prior architectural history course, and professional students may come from any academic or design discipline.
Fellowship recipients will:
- Attend the 2022 SAH conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 27-May 1, 2022. A $1000 reimbursable travel stipend will be awarded to each recipient to offset the costs of travel and accommodations.
- Be paired with a conference mentor from an SAH Affiliate Group in their interest area.
- Receive a complimentary one-year digital membership in SAH, which includes access to JSAH Online, SAH CONNECTS virtual programs, and the SAH Commons online community, as well as opportunities to apply for SAH fellowships and grants.
- Create a post-conference reflection with your assigned Affiliate Group mentor in the form of an interview or conversation (text or video), to be shared with peers at your institution and SAH.
Criteria for Application:
- Evidence of interest in architectural history signaled through the successful completion of at least one course in architectural history (as recorded on an unofficial or official transcript).
- A personal statement reflecting on your experience studying architectural history or related coursework and thoughts about how architectural history might help us think differently about issues of equity and social justice (500 words maximum).
- Current undergraduate and graduate students from any discipline may apply. Applicants may be from anywhere in the world.
- Commitment to fulfilling the conditions of the fellowship.
Three applicants will be selected by a committee consisting of members of the Minority Scholars, Asian American & Diasporic Architectural History, and Race & Architectural History SAH Affiliate Groups.
Please submit your application online (login required) by Wednesday, December 15, 2021.”
Publié le 19 novembre 2021