10th Online Debate | Is adapting to climate change (really) our best choice?

27 avr. 2020 - 8 mai 2020

Groupes de recherche i-Rec + Œuvre Durable | Université de Montréal

[NDLR] : Le débat aura lieu en anglais.

Announcement :

“Dear colleagues,

Please join our 10th Online debate:

Is adapting to climate change (really) our best choice?

Many people believe that adaptation to climate change is inevitable. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone is not enough. But not all scholars and practitioners are convinced, though. Some argue that adaptation is often too oriented on technical solutions, failing to address the real causes of vulnerability: marginalization, exclusion, racism, colonialism, and other injustices. An emphasis on adaptation helps to “depoliticize” risk reduction. Adaptation measures often lead to gentrification and displacement, and rarely benefit the poor and marginalized. Critics also lament that the “adaptation capacity” concept contributes to a neoliberal conception of risk reduction. Finally, sharing responsibility for climate response with individuals and communities (that are, or must become “adaptable”) dilutes the accountability of political and economic elites regarding pollution, disaster risk creation, and environmental degradation.

What do you think? Join the debate by sharing your thoughts and voting on the motion at https://oddebates.com/

Deborah Harford and Silja Klepp, two internationally recognized experts on the effects of climate change and adaptation, will defend each viewpoint over ten days:

  • Opening remarks – April 27
  • Rebuttal remarks – May 4
  • Closing remarks – May 8

The three best comments by students will be awarded prizes of up to $1000.

Organized by Œuvre Durable (The Canadian Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction Research Alliance) and i-Rec (Information and Research for Reconstruction). With the support of the Intersectional Flood Network of Quebec (RIISQ). It is moderated by Professor Gonzalo Lizarralde.”

Pour plus d’information…

Pour visiter le site internet du groupe de recherche i-Rec…

Pour visiter le site internet d’Oeuvre durable…

Source : Gonzalo Lizarralde, PhD | Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. The Royal Society of Canada | Professeur - École d’architecture, Université de Montréal | Titulaire de la Chaire Fayolle-Magil Construction en architecture, bâtiment et durabilité | Directeur du Groupe de recherche IF (grif) et Œuvre durable

Publié le 24 avril 2020