Débat international en ligne sur l’aide humanitaire et la reconstruction

15 févr. 2019 - 25 févr. 2019

Groupes de recherche i-Rec + Œuvre Durable | Université de Montréal

Photo courtoisie.

NDLR : Le débat aura lieu en anglais.

Announcement :


Some scholars, policy-makers and practitioners believe that humanitarian aid contributes to making beneficiaries more resilient and reducing their vulnerability. Others are not so sure; they argue that aid is often controlled by political agendas, and creates results that are more damaging than desirable.

Join the debate by sharing your thoughts and voting on the motion at https://oddebates.com/.

Jason Von Meding and Anna Konotchick, two internationally recognized experts in disaster risk reduction and post-disaster reconstruction, will defend each viewpoint over ten days.

  • Opening remarks: February 15, 2019
  • Rebuttal remarks: February 20, 2019
  • Closing remarks: February 25, 2019

Voting ends on February 25.

The three best comments will be awarded prizes of up to $1000.

This debate is organized by Œuvre Durable (The Canadian Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction Research Alliance) and i-Rec (Information and Research for Reconstruction). It is moderated by Professor Gonzalo Lizarralde.”

Pour plus d’information…

Pour visiter le site internet du groupe de recherche i-Rec…

Pour visiter le site internet d’Oeuvre durable…

Source : Gonzalo Lizarralde, PhD | Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. The Royal Society of Canada | Professeur - École d’architecture, Université de Montréal | Titulaire de la Chaire Fayolle-Magil Construction en architecture, bâtiment et durabilité | Directeur du Groupe de recherche IF (grif) et Œuvre durable

Publié le 8 février 2019