“Welcome to the third year of the prestigious WAN House of the Year awards. These awards are designed to showcase excellence within our industry and each year is judged by a panel of leading international architects and experts.
Following on from the massive success of last year’s award which featured in a variety of press publications, including the Evening Standard (6 February), The Independent (19 February), the Cape Argus in South Africa and a number of Croatian publications to name a few! We are now pleased to announce the launch of the WAN House of the Year 2008.
WAN House of the Year awards is a major international competition. As well as local and national media coverage, the awards attract extensive media coverage from international press too.
If you have designed a private house that has been or will be completed during 2008 you can now enter for the 2008 awards. Please note that if a house is not completed by 31 December 2008 it will not be eligible to enter the awards.
This year a television documentary series will be filmed throughout the year and we will be asking permission to film the interior and exterior of some of the homes selected in the longlist of 25 houses. Please be aware that access may be required.”
The submission deadline is November 30th 2008.
(Source: WAN Newsletter)