Wallpaper* Graduate Directory – "Un gradué de l'École d'architecture de l'Université Laval dans la promotion 2010"
“Having just received his official architect’s qualification in Canada last year, Olivier Bourgeois has been keeping himself very busy since his graduation from the Laval University of Quebec. He has practised in Canada and Norway and is also currently building his first personal larger-scale project, House 2G. This house however is not the first realised project: his Trop de Bleu temporary exhibition pavilion was built last summer in Iles de Madeleine, off Nove Scotia’s coast. ‘It is my best personal work so far. It’s the architectural achievement of a long process of studies, research and collaboration with local artists and craftsmen starting during my final school project,’ he explains. Bourgeois currently works for Éric Pelletier in Quebec, an architect he greatly admires, but he also hopes to set up his own practice one day.
Most influenced by:
Apart from Éric Pelletier, Canadians Saucier + Perrotte, Bryan Mckay Lyons and Todd Saunders as well as Swiss architects Peter Zumthor and Bearth & Deplazes.”
Pour visiter la fiche d’Olivier Bourgeois sur le site de Wallpaper*…
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Pour voir tous les membres du “Graduate Directory 2010″…
(Source: Denis Clermont et Olivier Bourgeois)