Actualité 03.08.2008

Librairie du CCA – Nouveautés d'août 2008

Au premier dimanche de chaque mois, vous retrouverez sur Kollectif le bulletin mensuel de la Librairie du Centre Canadien d’Architecture (CCA) vous annonçant les nouveautés et les événements à venir.

Les nouveautés de ce mois-ci:

  • “Mad Dinner” – Monographs
  • “R. Buckminster Fuller – Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth”
  • “R. Buckminster Fuller – And it Came to Pass – Not to Stay”
  • “R. Buckminster Fuller – Utopia or Oblivion. The prospects for Humanity”
  • “Buckminster Fuller: Starting with the Universe” – Monographs
  • “Carton: mobilier/éco-design/architecture” – Vernaculaire et architecture écologique
  • “Plus and Minus” – Children’s books
  • “Lignes secondaires” – Théorie
  • “The Silences of Mies: 02.AKAD” – Theory
  • “Results Europan 9: European Urbanity – Sustainable City and New Public Space” – Urbanism
  • “Architecture of Change: Sustainability and Humanity in the Built Environment” – Building types
  • “Douala in Translation: a View of the City and its Creative Transformative Potentials” – Theory
  • “Guy Rottier arTchitecte” – Monographies
  • “À travers les murs: l’architecture de la nouvelle guerre urbaine” – Théorie
  • “Open 14: Art as a Public Issue” – Periodicals
  • “The Happy Hypocrite: Issue 1 Linguistic Hardcore, for and about Experimental Art Writing” – Periodicals
  • “Otto Neurath: The Language of the Global Polis” – Graphic Design
  • “Fiona Tan: Disassembling the Archive” – Photography
  • “Fiona Tan: Vox populi: Tokyo” – Photography
  • “Aaron Siskind and Louis Sullivan: the institute of design photo section project” – Photography
  • “The Book of Stamps” – Graphic Design
  • “Drawing: The Motive Force of Architecture” – Theory

Pour plus d’informations sur les nouveautés d’août 2008…

Pour consulter le site de la librairie du CCA…

(Source: Corinn Gerber, Chef de la Librairie du CCA)