Actualité 26.02.2010

Lecture – McGill School of Urban Planning – Adèle Naudé Santos – "Urban Design Speculations in the Academic Context"

“Brenda and Samuel Gewurz Lecture Series in Urban Design

The School of Urban Planning at McGill University is pleased to invite you to the public lecture of

Dean of the School of Architecture & Planning at MIT

who will speak on

“Urban Design Speculations in the Academic Context”

The lecture is open to the public

Macdonald-Harrington Building, Room G-10


A reception will precede the lecture.

Professor Santos is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and principal architect of Santos Prescott and Associates, a practice based in San Francisco.  Her design and planning projects have included affordable housing developments in various countries and “City Links, A Vision Plan for San Diego.”

Before becoming Dean at MIT in 2004, Professor Santos taught architecture and urban design at the University of California, Berkeley and at the University of Pennsylvania.  She was the founding dean of the School of Architecture at the University of California at San Diego.”

For more information on the School of Architecture & Planning at MIT…

For more information on the McGill School of Urban Planning…

(Source: David Krawitz, Administrative Officer, McGill School of Architecture)