LECTURE – Design and Computation Arts (Concordia U.) – "Claude Cormier: Engaging the World of Art and Design"
“On May 1st, the Department of Design and Computation Arts of Concordia University welcomes Claude Cormier, landscape architect and urban designer.
Time and Place: May 1st, at 4:00-5:30 at the PHI Centre, 407 rue Saint Pierre.
Title of his talk: Engaging the World of Art and Design
Since the beginning of his career, Claude Cormier has engaged what he believes in. His non-romantic attitude toward nature; the boundary he flirts with in between art and design, science, technical solutions, and everyday life; his belief that even the smallest projects can have huge impact; and his conviction that grass can be blue and landscapes can be made of objects. He has continually drawn from his previous experiences as he adds new ones to the mix, applying the lessons he learned growing up on a farm to the design of 5-star urban spaces, and from his approach to a small backyard swimming pool to an Olympic-sized infinity pool overlooking an entire city.
Claude Cormier is a Montreal-based landscape architect and urban designer. His works are considered conceptual. Over the past decade, Claude Cormier Architectes Paysagistes has produced an iconic body of work that has been recognized nationally and internationally.
This event coincides with the Graduating year-end show of the Design and Computation Arts Department, with the following list of activities:
May 1st, 2014
- Keynote – Claude Cormier – Espace A (1st floor) – 4:00-5:30
- Welcome and awards – Espace A (1st floor) – 5:30-6:00
- Vernissage – Espace A & D (1st and 4th floors ) – 6:00-9:00
- Gaming and interactive media salon – Espace D (4th floor) – May 2 – 3:00-5:00
- Electronics workshop – 4th floor meeting room – May 3 – 1:00-4:00″
(Source: Carmela Cucuzzella, PhD, Assistant Professor, Design and Computation Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University, EV- Engineering, Computer Science – Visual Arts Integrated Complex)