Actualité 29.10.2010

Laureate – SHIFT Boston – "2010 MOON CAPITAL International Design Challenge"

The winner of the 2010 MOON CAPITAL International Design Challenge:

Title: LPS:2069
Author: Bryna Anderson  New York, NY  USA
(Bryna is a graduate student at Columbia University)
Description: A concept for a microwave provision of terrestrial energy collected with lunar photovoltaics which combines an interesting program and the notion of creating Earth-normal gravity on the lunar surface in a massive rotating torus. The concept is based on American physicist Dr. David Criswell’s proposal for the Lunar Solar Power System.

Information on MOON CAPITAL Competition:

About the competition final event:
Ms. Anderson’s work was presented Thursday, October 21st at the MOON BALL in Boston Massachusetts, in front of an audience of over 400 people which included jurors from the MOON CAPITAL Competition such as Emerging National Geographic Explorer Constance Adams and former astronaut Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman. Attendees also included competition finalists Gareth Leech from Bedfordshire, UK and Maryam Nabavi from Toronto, CA.

About the competition:
We received over one hundred submissions from six continents and twenty-six countries.

The overall goal of the MOON CAPITAL Competition was to bring two separate industries together: Architecture and Astronautics.

The inspiration for the MOON CAPITAL Competition was the official confirmation of the discovery of H2O on the moon last November. An inspiration for SHIFTboston continues to be the work and words of Buckminster Fuller.

What has been Learned in the Process
“With the vast expertise of Peter Chen, Haym Benaroya, Brent Sherwood, Gui Trotti, Constance Adams, Dr. Marc Cohen, Madhu Thangavelu and Dr. Jeff Hoffman involved in the MOON CAPITAL Competition, it became possible to imagine lunar habitation becoming a reality during this century. I would not describe planning for it to be an entertaining concept – but it certainly is a fascinating and adventurous one! With this competition, though, we also saw how amateurs and professionals alike remain enamored with the idea of returning to the moon.”
Kim Poliquin, Director of SHIFTboston

Winning and select finalist submissions from the MOON CAPITAL Competition will be on public display at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

Information on SHIFTboston:

SHIFTboston was organized in 2009 by Kim Poliquin with the assistance of the Boston Society of Architects. It was established in order to promote design advancement in both practice and in the urban environment by using interdisciplinary challenges such as the MOON CAPITAL Competition. In doing so, SHIFTboston strives to generate more awareness within the general population of the importance of design excellence in architecture, science and technology by hosting inspirational exhibitions, forums and events.

For more information…

(Source: Kim Poliquin, Director, SHIFTboston)