“IIDEX/NeoCon Canada has developed a blockbuster architectural program for 2008 which includes an internationally acclaimed Danish architectural keynote, Kim Herforth Nielsen of 3XN Architects. The North American premiere of three unique feature exhibits and over 25 CEU accredited seminars specifically for architects offering OAA directed and self directed points.
2008 features several new features for architects include:
· Architecture Keynote, Kim Herforth Nielsen from award winning Danish firm, 3xN Architects
· Environment Keynote, Dr. Michael Braungart of MBDC Consultants, one of the world’s leading change agents on design, architecture and sustainability
· Student Charrette for Architecture Students
· New Healthcare Symposium plus pavilion featuring the latest in products for healthcare environments
· Light Canada Expo and Conference with over 100 lighting exhibitors featuring the latest in architectural, exterior, interior and decorative lighting
· Learning Labs covering the hottest topics on Sustainability, Lighting, Facility Management, Healthcare and new materials
Selected industry associations presenting this year include: OAA, TSA, FSC, CaGBC, CMHC, DIAC plus numerous media partners including Canadian Architect. With this extensive architectural programming plus over 400 exhibitors showcasing the latest products and services for architects, this is our biggest year yet!”
(Source: Bulletin électronique de Créativité Montréal du 8 juillet 2008)