Actualité 04.04.2009

Expo 2010 Shanghai – Pavillons de la République Tchèque, de la Finlande et des Pays-Bas

Dans le cadre des prochaines semaines à venir, Daniel-Joseph Chapdelaine, urbaniste, vous fera part de quelques projets de la prochaine exposition universelle prévue à Shanghai en Chine en 2010:

“World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.

With a long civilisation, China favours international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community’s support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world’s people place on China’s future development.

So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.”

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Czech Republic Pavillion:

“The Czech Republic will use ice-hockey pucks in the design of its World Expo 2010 pavilion.

The white 2,000-square-meter structure will feature rubber ice-hockey pucks on its facade. The design signifies that pucks are a significant Czech export and ice hockey is its national sport, Czech officials have said.

The display will take place at a rented pavilion under the theme “Fruits of Civilization.” It will spotlight the use of new technologies and renewable energy, transport solutions as well as a desire for privacy.

Visitors will experience a fictitious and magical city, modeled on Prague’s Old Town, inside the pavilion. One can “create and perform magic, travel and participate” in the city, said Pavel Stehlik, commissioner general of Czech Pavilion at Expo 2010, late last week.

Visitors will be able to walk on the pavilion’s artificial grass while noticing a regular grid of streets above their heads. Moving from street to street, visitors will discover different artifacts or the fruits of civilization.

In the pavilion, simulated factories will be projected while a module may produce colors, scents and music in a bid to arouse emotions and a more complete experience for visitors. The display will also simulate a lake surrounded by fast-growing vegetation. The design refers to environmental protection awareness.

The country launched a nationwide pavilion design competition that was won by film-making firm company Dekor. The company also designed the Czech Republic’s pavilions at Aichi Expo in 2005 and Hanover Expo in 2000. The company produced the James Bond film “Casino Royale.” “

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Finland Pavillion:

“Finland promised that visitors to its 2010 Shanghai World Expo pavilion will experience a view of a promising future that celebrates man’s place in nature.

The Northern European country signed a participation contract with Expo organizers yesterday, and revealed its pavilion would be like a “Kirnu,” a Finnish word that means a rocky hollow formed naturally along the seashore.

Finland will attempt to capture the ideas of freedom, creativity, innovation, community, health and nature in its pavilion and exhibition. Finnish people believe the six elements compose “the beautiful life,” said Pertti Huitu, Finland’s commissioner general for the Expo.

The country’s exhibit will be based on the theme “Sharing Inspiration,” promoting ideas on how to improve people’s living standards.

Kirnu also means an exchange of ideas, and Finland welcomes suggestions for a better life from the world, Huitu said.

The pavilion will be built on a 3,000-square-meter plot. The three-story building, which will include a restaurant serving Finnish food, will look like a huge white bowl and will be surrounded by a lake. The “bowl” will appear to be floating on the water, said chief designer Teemu Kurkela.

Visitors will be able to do some sky watching at the pavilion, as it will be an open-air structure, with a covering for rainy days. Kurkela said he wanted to give visitors the relaxing feeling of lying on an island and watching the sky.”

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Dutch Pavillion:

“Netherlands Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende yesterday unveiled a model of the Dutch Pavilion for World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.

The Dutch Pavilion design, known as “Happy Street,” is mainly composed of a pedestrian strip shaped like the number “8,” a lucky number in China that suggests fortune.

Twenty-six small houses will be elevated along the main pedestrian strip. The houses will present exhibitions exploring themes such as energy, water, space and many other urban issues.

Hong Hao, director of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, said he believed the pavilion would be one of the most interesting ones at Expo 2010.

The pavilion is expected to attract more than 7 million visitors, Balkenende said.”

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La semaine prochaine: le graphisme des billets d’entrée!

Pour voir l’article paru sur les Pavillons du Canada, de la France et de la Pologne