Actualité 07.11.2009

Coup de coeur – – "Top 100 T-Shirts"

“As we approach the end of 2009, the mad rush to define the first decade of the 2000s (or “The Aughts,” as we’ve taken to calling them around these parts) is inevitable. Well, Complex is about to lead the charge with our Best Of The 2000s series, where we’re counting down our 100 favorite everything from now until the end of November.

Each week we’ll be unleashing an epic Top 100 list that focuses on a different topic – the 100 best movies, the 100 best sneakers, the 100 hottest girls, etc. Find out where all your favorites landed on our countdown… or if they made it at all.

Don’t forget, this is our list – no one’s stopping you from making your own!”

To view the Top 100 T-Shirts list…
