Actualité 15.04.2009

Coup de coeur – "Sliding House" par dRMM

Vous en avez sûrement entendu parler, peut-être l’avez-vous vu en photo mais de voir cette maison “en action” est un pur délice architectural:

The brief was simple: to build a house to retire to in order to grow food, entertain and enjoy the East Anglia landscape. The outcome was as unconventional as they come. A structure that has the ability to vary or connect the overall building’s composition and character according to season, weather or simply a desire to delight. Wallpaper* took a trip to the site to capture the physical phenomenon in the only medium that serves it justice – film.

Pour plus d’information sur dRMM…

Pour visionner le vidéo sur le site de Wallpaper…