Actualité 14.09.2013

CONFÉRENCE – Ingénieurs en structure de Montréal (ISM) – "Building After 9-11: A fabricator's perspective on the rebuilding"

Extrait de l’annonce:

A fabricator’s perspective on the rebuilding

18h / mercredi 18 septembre 2013
Arts Building, salle W215


On September 11th, the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2, not only destroyed the Towers themselves, but also destroyed the World Trade Center PATH station, a large underground concourse and shopping center that provided a link between the PATH train and NY subway lines, which connected the two towers below street level.

The collapse of the Towers left behind the destruction of a complete NY block, we all know as being “Ground Zero”. It also changed how designers must approach these type of structures and created a need for establishing new design guidelines for blast protection.

The presentation will provide a short glimpse of a fabricators’ perspective on the rebuilding of several structures at Ground Zero, such as WTC Tower 1, the PATH Hall and PATH Station. More particularly, it will discuss how Design Engineers attempt to deal with blast loading conditions, by using established bridge welding codes or seismic design details, which were not developed for blast protection. It will also attempt to provide some general guidelines for the Design Engineers on which joint details, materials, and known welding codes may be more appropriate when Blast Protection is a concern. Finally, a short presentation on the 450 feet Antenna Mast fabrication, which was the biggest highlight tower 1, will be provided.

Cette conférence sera présentée en anglais.”

Pour plus d’information…

(Source: ISM)