Actualité 03.10.2009

Concours d'idées – SHIFT Boston

J’ai personnellement eu la chance de rencontrer Kim Peloquin lors de son passage à Montréal. Kim est responsable du concours et elle est très enthousiaste à l’idée d’obtenir des candidatures du Québec et du Canada afin d’investir la ville de Boston de nouvelles idées.

Elle me mentionnait que malgré le fait que Boston possède d’excellentes écoles d’architecture (Harvard, Columbia, etc.), il arrive très souvent que les gradués ne travaillent jamais dans la région de Boston. Le résultat est que la ville vit dans un conservatisme architectural qu’elle tente de changer et le concours de SHIFT Boston cherche justement à faire bouger les choses.

Je vous encourage personnellement, que vous soyez étudiants, professeurs, stagiaires ou professionnels, à diffuser cette information et surtout, à y participer!




2009 SHIFTboston Ideas Competition
Submission Deadline: Friday, December 11, 2009

SHIFTboston is calling on all visionaries to submit his and her most provocative ideas for the City of Boston.  Think: WHAT IF this could happen in Boston? SHIFTboston seeks to collect visions that aim to enhance and electrify the urban experience in Boston. We want innovative, radical ideas for new city elements such as: public art, landscape, architecture, urban intervention and transportation. Competitors could explore topics such as: the future city, energy efficiency and ecological urbanism. YOU TELL US.

The honorary recipient will receive a cash prize and present at the SHIFTboston Forum at The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston on January 14, 2010. The winning entry will be displayed on billboards, bus shelters, subway cars and post cards in the Boston Metropolitan area. All eligible entries will be promoted on the SHIFTboston blog and website and will become part of the SHIFTboston Exhibit.

Who is SHIFT?

We are an independent organization driven by desire to improve the human urban experience. Known now as SHIFTboston, as Boston is currently our target city, SHIFT seeks to provide the stage for all visionaries on which to voice their aesthetic opinions. We wish to push forth a movement in innovative, progressive design and development. It is our intent to use this critical moment provided by the current recession to stop, think and re-envision the urban realm.

What is SHIFT up to?

SHIFT seeks to lead. We want to direct a shift in: thinking, perception, attitude, definition, process, method, planning and organization; in order to make a breakthrough in new design possibilities for the urban environment.

SHIFT seeks to collect. We will gather the most innovative and radical ideas for new city elements such as: public art, landscape, architecture, urban intervention and transportation. We want city elements which encompass principles such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and ecological urbanism. SHIFT seeks to inspire. Through sources such as: blogs, editorial publicity, advertising and exhibition, we will promote the radical ideas we have gathered. We intend to attract greater public interest in future possibilities for the urban environment. We want to inspire and engage the city community while encouraging positive awareness and a huger for change. We believe a collective desire to push boundaries and challenge the familiar are the necessary seeds with which to grow a more dynamic city environment.
SHIFT seeks to change. “

Pour plus d’information…

(Source: Kim Peloquin, SHIFT Boston)