Actualité 07.10.2008

Conclusion and architectural installations – Expo Zaragoza 2008

“On the Expo Zaragoza 2008 Conference Centre stage there were four columns – the four elements – framing a large disc of light symbolising the Water Tribune. This stage set seemed to symbolise the role that was given to the Tribune: that of a grand encounter featuring experts and thinkers based around one matter – water crises, requiring urgent solution. The fact is that for over 90 days, 10 Thematic Weeks were held featuring the participation of more than 400 speakers and 2,000 experts; there were 110 Agora sessions with the presence of hundreds of citizens and 300 speakers; and there were hours of parallel events and screenings of films related to water.

The closing ceremony was attended by many dignitaries, social representatives, coordinators of the Thematic Weeks and many of the experts who have contributed to the legacy of the first International Exposition devoted to Water and Sustainable Development. Journalists Manuel Campo Vidal and Elisabeth Anglarill were the masters of ceremonies who paved way for each of the participants.”

For more information…

To see 3D models of the architectural installations of this event that ended on September 14th 2008: