Actualité 08.01.2010

Competition – Artists Wanted – "The Power of Self: An Image Competition"

“This competition is about your story, your images and the power they hold. From Salvador Dalí to Cindy Sherman the self has been the subject of most all the art world’s greats. The self-portrait transcends medium, style and period, existing in the vast space between the personal and prophetic. We all have a self-portrait.  Show us yours!

Our panel of judges including actor Steve Buscemi, director/producer Chris Weitz, Guggenheim Curator Helen Hsu and Flavorpill Founder Sascha Lewis will select one portfolio of self-portraits for The Grand Prize:
-six months of FREE living at the Edge in New York City or $7007 cash
-an art-star reception in New York City
-international publicity
-a feature in 3rd Ward Magazine

The public will also cast their vote and the highest rated portfolio will receive The People’s Choice Award:
-$1,000 in cash
-an art-star reception in New York City
-international publicity”

All submissions must be in by 11:59pm January 14th, 2010.

For more information…

(Source: Nadia Meratla)