Excerpt from article (Canadian Architect):
“Call for Proposals for Warming Huts: An Art & Architecture Competition on Ice
Warming Huts v. 2014 is launching a call for proposals to select design teams to create three new unique shelters for the Forks River Trail on the Assiniboine River in Winnipeg. The shelters will be installed along the world’s longest skating trail (www.rivertrail.ca) between the end of January and the beginning of March, 2014.
This is the fourth annual competition that continues to investigate the zone shared by the disciplines of art and architecture. Winnipeg is unique for a city of nearly a million people for the intense climate in winter. The hardy citizens of Winnipeg have grown to expect excellent art, design, architecture and cuisine on the river trail. While there is no specific theme for the competition, teams are encourage to investigate the relationship between built artifact and the frozen riverscape. The designs must fit on prefabricated skids. A SketchUp model of the skid is available for download on the competition website.
The huts will be placed along the skating trail following the final week of construction. The completion of the construction of the huts will be held at The Forks in Winnipeg (www.theforks.com), which is located in the city’s downtown at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. The intersection of the two rivers historically has made the area a popular meeting place for millennia. In recent times, the site has developed into a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.
In winter, the Assiniboine River is also used as an alternate route to access downtown by foot, bike, skates and skis. There are opportunities for curling, hockey and much more. There are many access points onto the trail along the river, and the skating trail is regularly groomed and monitored for any safety concerns. There will also be extra security at night in an attempt to prevent people from loitering or damaging the huts.
The deadline for registration for Warming Huts is Monday, September 30, 2013 at 2:00pm CST. For more information, please visit www.warminghuts.com or contact Peter Hargraves, MAA, RAIC Event Producer at 204.415.3906 and info@warminghuts.com.”
(Source: Canadian Architect)