CALL FOR ENTRIES – Canadian Architect magazine – "2013 Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence"
“The 2013 Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence is an annual awards program open to all architects registered in Canada and to Canadian architectural graduates for buildings designed in Canada and abroad. Foreign architects are permitted to submit, provided they have partnered with a Canadian-registered architect.
Project submissions must be received by 5:00pm EST on Thursday, September 12, 2013.
Projects must be in the design stage, scheduled for construction or under construction but not substantially complete by September 12, 2013. All projects must be commissioned by a client with the intention to build the submitted proposal. All building types and concisely presented urban design schemes are eligible. Awards are given for architectural design excellence. Jurors will consider the scheme’s response to the client’s program, site, and geographic and social context. They will evaluate its physical organization, form, structure, materials and environmental features.
The jury has yet to be finalized.”
For more information and to download the entry form…
To visit the Canadian Architect website…
(Source: Canadian Architect)