Actualité 26.03.2009
Book launch – McGill School of Architecture – Witold Rybczynski – "My Two Polish Grandfathers – And Other Essays on the Imaginative Life"
“The Canadian Foundation for Polish Studies +
The McGill School of Architecture +
The Polish Students Society at McGill
Witold Rybczynski
My Two Polish Grandfathers
And Other Essays on the Imaginative Life
who will read, discuss, and sign his new book. Witold Rybczynski,celebrated architectural writer, critic & columnist is known for his award-winning books such as “Home” and “A Clearing in the Distance.”
Thursday 26 March 2009, 7:00 p.m., Shaughnessy House (Canadian Centre for Architecture – 1920, rue Baile)”
(Source: David Krawitz, Administrative Officer, McGill School of Architecture)