Actualité 31.01.2014

ARTICLE – Canadian Architect Magazine – "2014 Scotiabank EcoLiving Awards open for submissions"

Excerpt from article:

2014 Scotiabank EcoLiving Awards open for submissions

As the country comes out of a cold swing, finding ways to reduce energy bills this winter is top of mind. With the Scotiabank EcoLiving Awards becoming an annual event, businesses, entrepreneurs and students across the country have more ways to show Canadians new and innovative ways to make their homes eco-friendly. With awards totaling $75,000, submissions for these national awards are now being accepted at until March 15, 2014.


The Scotiabank EcoLiving Awards recognize winners in three categories:

Business Leadership ($50,000)—a business or individual who is leading the way in home energy-efficiency products, services or solutions. This category is focused primarily on executing a proven idea or program.

Innovators ($15,000)—a business or individual demonstrating innovation in home energy-efficient products, services and solutions. Focused on introducing exciting new ideas for products or programs.

Student Leadership ($10,000)—a full-time college or university student who demonstrates promise for the future of home energy conservation.”

To read the original article…

To visit the 2014 Scotiabank EcoLiving Awards website…

(Source: Canadian Architect Magazine)