Activities and competition – Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery (Concordia University) – "Adaptive Actions Camp"
Every day, November 8 – 17, from 11 AM to 6 PM
In the Atrium of the McConnell Library Building, located in front of the Gallery.
1400, boul. de Maisonneuve O. Montréal (Québec) H3G 1M8
Initiated in London in 2007 by Jean-François Prost, Adaptive Actions explores alterations in the workplace, the home, and public spaces through actions and interventions involving the public. AA thrives on individual and collective contributions and initiatives and proceeds by an open call for collaboration. Participate in workshops, discussions, and presentations.
Adaptive Actions (AA) is looking for new contributions to its website and its next publication, as well as contributions that will serve to stimulate reflection, discussions, and presentations at the AA Camp at Concordia University. Register as a participant through the website or at the Camp and submit existing or imagined actions created by you or by others.
Official opening
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
On the topic of adaptive actions
from 10AM to 6PM
Together we will surf the web to find engaging, relevant, atypical or just simply amusing examples about urban and spatial adaptations. Progressively and through this process with an unknown result, we will amass, print and present information and ideas (through images and words) at the AA Camp space, bringing together seemingly unrelated elements from the far reaches of internet.
Reservations required, places are limited.
You may reserve a morning, an afternoon or a whole day. Bring your own portable computer and WIFI access will be provided. Lunch provided to all participants.
Please reserve with Marina Polosa
514-848-2424 #4778
In conjunction with the Web Dérive
Wednesday 10, 12:30–1:30PM
La Tour de la Bourse
by Aude Moreau
Thursday 11, 12:30–1:30PM
Fragments of Actions for Creative Adaptation
by Marie-Pier Boucher and Jean-François Prost
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
5-7 PM
Launch of the publication Adaptive Actions – Madrid
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
12:30–1:30 PM
Lunch provided at camp
1:30 PM
Based on actions submitted during the Web Dérive, online, and at the Camp
Adaptive Actions (AA) functions as an open source repository of actions. It suggests iterations and transversal operations, new forms of connections and relationalities. AA invites creative resistance through the activation of various forms of adaptation. In a round-table conversation, we will discuss submitted actions and discuss their adaptive potential, the ways in which they succeed in adapting a situation and resisting creatively. Participants will discuss both their own actions and those of others in order to highlight the main constraints they faced and the ways in which these constraints have been reconfigured to become engines of creation, points of captivation and micropolitical activation.
Invited participants: Patrick Harrop, Luc Lévesque, Javiera Ovalle, Patrice Loubier
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
12:30–1:30 PM
Lunch provided at Camp
1:30 PM
AA Workshop
by Jean-François Prost
This workshop will address the current reality of cities like Montréal, whose populations consist of a multitude of minorities. The workshop will focus on the following paradox: while cities are increasingly heterogeneous, some homogeneous districts, or ghettos, persist. In Montréal, as in other cities, we can observe a very clear, even extreme, division between social classes and various ethnic and cultural communities. Some minority groups progressively distance themselves from the city centre and become invisible in the city’s outskirts and its dead-ends. This workshop will concentrate on the increasing invisibility of multiplicity in downtown areas (sites of power, exchange, and abundance) and in certain neighbourhoods. The goal for this workshop will be to identify and reveal specific patterns and locations of social and cultural homogenization in Montréal, and ultimately in other cities as well. Our findings will serve to develop, extend, and reconfigure an initial action that aims to hydridize what exists and enable exchange and diversity in imagining a divergent city of the future.
Invited participants: Cynthia Hammond, Shauna Janssen
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
Camp open from 11AM to 6PM
12:30PM – 1:30PM
Information to come”
To visit the Adaptive Actions website…
To visit the Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery website…
(Source: Nicolas Marier)